Dull Satin Fabric Manufacturer from China


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  • You might already know that I’m absolutely crazy about colour, and in my endless search for the perfect colour palette, I come across a multitude of resources, offline and online, good, not so good and plain bad… One of my all time favourites is Pantone Studio, an iOS app for colour inspiration and management, created by Pantone, a provider of professional …

  • What is Satin Fabric

    What is satin Satin is simply a weave of fabric, using filament fibres of silk, nylon or polyester, although the most requested type of satin is made from silk fibres. The weave uses a minimum number of interlacings and because of these missed interlacings the end result is a sheen on one side of the fabric and a dull finish on …

  • Malaysia Abaya Dresses

    Polyester Valentino Dull Satin is one very popular fabric in Malaysia. It has good soft and smooth hand feeling, and have a heavy weight 130-140 gsm for Malaysia Abaya Dresses. Polyester Valentino Dull Satin Fabric is also called Polyester Valentino Matte Satin, Malaysia Mitsubishi Fabric. Designers like to pint all kinds of customer design on the fabric monthly for this beautiful …

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